Read-through: Measure theory - the Lebesgue integral

(Temporary being stopped) Note III of the measure theory series. Materials are mostly taken from Tao’s book, except for some needed notations extracted from Stein’s book. ...

August 21, 2022 · 10 min · Trung H. Nguyen

Read-through: Measure theory - Lebesgue measure

Note II of the measure theory series. Materials are mostly taken from Tao’s book, except for some needed notations extracted from Stein’s book. ...

July 3, 2022 · 22 min · Trung H. Nguyen

Read-through: Measure theory - Elementary measure, Jordan measure & the Riemann integral

Note I of the measure theory series. Materials are mostly taken from Tao’s book, except for some needed notations extracted from Stein’s book. ...

June 16, 2022 · 29 min · Trung H. Nguyen


When talking about measure, you might associate it with the idea of length, the measurement of something in one dimension. And then probably, you will extend your idea into two dimensions with area, or even three dimensions with volume. ...

July 3, 2021 · 9 min · Trung H. Nguyen