Read-through: Measure theory - the Lebesgue integral

(Temporary being stopped) Note III of the measure theory series. Materials are mostly taken from Tao’s book, except for some needed notations extracted from Stein’s book. ...

August 21, 2022 · 10 min · Trung H. Nguyen

Read-through: Measure theory - Lebesgue measure

Note II of the measure theory series. Materials are mostly taken from Tao’s book, except for some needed notations extracted from Stein’s book. ...

July 3, 2022 · 22 min · Trung H. Nguyen

Read-through: Measure theory - Elementary measure, Jordan measure & the Riemann integral

Note I of the measure theory series. Materials are mostly taken from Tao’s book, except for some needed notations extracted from Stein’s book. ...

June 16, 2022 · 29 min · Trung H. Nguyen

Gaussian Distribution & Gaussian Network Models

Notes on Gaussian distribution & Gaussian network models. ...

November 22, 2021 · 15 min · Trung H. Nguyen

Power Series

Recall that in the previous note, Infinite Series of Constants, we mentioned a type of series called power series a lot. In the content of this note, we will be diving deeper into details of its. ...

September 21, 2021 · 15 min · Trung H. Nguyen

Infinite Series of Constants

Notes on infinite series of constants. ...

September 6, 2021 · 20 min · Trung H. Nguyen

Optimal Policy Existence

In the previous note about Markov Decision Processes, Bellman equations, we mentioned that there exists a policy $\pi_*$ that is better than or equal to all other policies. In this note, we will be proving that. ...

July 10, 2021 · 7 min · Trung H. Nguyen