Leighton’s algorithm

The algorithm is used to generate an $n$-vertex graph $G$ with $e$ edges and predefined chromatic number $k$ where $k\vert n$. This leads to the condition: \begin{equation} \frac{k(k-1)}{2}\leq e\leq\frac{n^2(k-1)}{2k} \end{equation} The algorithm begins by choosing positive integer $a,c,m$ such that

  • $m\gg n$
  • $\gcd(n,m)=k$
  • $\gcd(c,m)=1$
  • If $p\vert m$ then $p\vert(a-1)$ for all primes $p$.
  • If $4\vert m$ then $4\vert(a-1)$.

We then use the linear congruential generator method to generate a uniform sequence of random number $\{x_i\}$ on $[0,m-1]$. This can be done by beginning from a starting number $x_0$, and continuing with the following update rule: \begin{equation} x_i=(ax_{i-1}+c)\mod m \end{equation} The generated sequences has two crucial properties

  • For every $i,j$ such that $0\leq j\leq m-1$ and $i\geq 0$, there exists an $r$ such that $i\leq r\leq i+m-1$ and $x_r=j$. i.e., There is no duplication in every $m$ consecutive elements of the sequence.
  • $x_i=x_{i+m}$ for every $i\geq 0$.

Since the random sequence $\{x_i\}$ we have got in $[0,m]$ and our vertices are in $[0,n-1]$ where $m\gg n$, we continue with construct $\{y_i\}$ in $[0,n-1]$ by letting \begin{equation} y_i=x_i\mod n \end{equation} Next, we define the $(k-1)$-vector \begin{equation} \mathbf{b}=(b_k,\ldots,b_2) \end{equation} so that $b_k\geq 1$ and $b_i\geq 0$ for $2\leq i\leq k-1$ and each $b_i$ corresponds to the number of $i$-cliques to be implanted in $G$.

Given $\{y_i\}$ and $\mathbf{b}$, we proceed as follows.

  • Select the first $k$ values of $\{y_i\}$ beginning with $y_1$ and add the corresponding edges to $E$.
  • If $b_k>1$, select the next $k$ values of $\{y_i\}$ and add the corresponding edges to $E$.
  • Repeat (1), (2) until $b_k$ $k$-cliques have been implanted in $G$.
  • Add, in an identical fashion, $b_{k-1}$ $(k-1)$-cliques to $G$.
  • Continue the process until $b_2$ $2$-cliques (edges) have been added to $E$.


[1] Leighton, Frank Thomson. A Graph Coloring Algorithm for Large Scheduling Problems. Journal of research of the National Bureau of Standards 84 6 (1979): 489-506.